Washing Clothes on the Go

So…a few people have asked about how we manage to wash clothes while we are traveling.  I thought instead of telling you how, I’d show you:

1.  Start with a clean sink.
1. Start with a clean sink.
2.  Fill the sink with handy dandy Rick Steves Travel Wash and water.
2. Fill the sink with handy dandy Rick Steves Travel Wash and water.
3.  Soak your clothing for a bit.
3. Soak your clothing for a bit.
Agitate in the sink and rub together the important parts then wring out.
4. Agitate in the sink and rub together the important parts then wring out.
5.  Empty and rinse the sink then rinse the clothing.
5. Empty and rinse the sink then rinse the clothing.
6.  Wring the clothing out over the sink.
6. Wring the clothing out over the sink.
7.  Lay clothing on a towel and roll the towel over them.
7. Lay clothing on a towel and roll the towel over them.
8.  Wring the towel out to get as much water as you can out of the clothes - you may have to step on the towel to do so.
8. Wring the towel out to get as much water as you can out of the clothes - you may have to step on the towel to do so.
9.  Hang the clothes to dry (usually overnight is all it takes).
9. Hang the clothes to dry (usually overnight is all it takes).

Yes – about once a month it is nice to use a machine but even hand-washing keeps them remarkably clean and it’s pretty darn easy too!


  1. You make it sound so easy but I bet you dread doing it! Is this a shared chore or a designated chore to one unlucky person?

    1. It’s really not so bad and we’ve found that it is best to try to do a little bit every night or every other night rather than saving it up for a few reasons. It’s hard to find room to hang them all up if you wait and it’s also kind of sucky to end up with all of your clothes dirty – harder to pack and of course, a little stinky. Heehee… The task is not really designated for one person – we’ve found it works best when one person washes and the other rinses and dries. The only time I do it all is when Maylene has work to do and I really don’t mind since it’s the only real housekeeping chore I have to do these days. =)

  2. that’s awesome, but would you wanna try it on boy’s dirty behbahdeez when he says he wiped good but likely – he didn’t?? 😀

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